Shin pads are literally the same as gloves but for your legs, they’re gonna stop the breaks and bumps and protect your bony knobbly shins. Due to the techniques you’ll be doing with your legs, I wouldn’t skimp on these, spend a little bit more money and get a sexy double thicc pair.
Clashing shins HURTS, IT HURTS SO BAD, and while there is a time for shin conditioning, its not in the middle of running drills, get your shin conditioning in on the bag and pads, not when your light sparring and practicing drills.
Venum Challengers are a good pair of shin pads, although I do prefer the HAYABUSA T3 LX SHINGUARDS because they have phenomenal leg coverage, are thicc as hell and also comfortable and also look fucking RAD.
However they do cost 150 quid so maybe not. A pair that are almost as comfortable with almost as much coverage would be the Fairtex Sp5 Shin guards, these pads also come priced middle of the road, at around £70.